How to Get Your Friends to Join Mighty Cardinals Nation

In a few months, the class of 2022 will be graduating and will officially be eligible to join our ranks as alumni of Chippewa Falls and members of our organization.

But recruitment for an alumni association is a year-round effort. While it might kick into higher gear around graduation time, we encourage our members to be advocates for our organization all year round. If you have friends or family members who you think would enjoy becoming a part of Mighty Cardinals Nation, consider inviting them personally!

Of course, convincing someone to join an organization can be a challenge, especially when they’re already busy. But there are a few ways you can increase your chances of success. Here are just a few:

  • Talk about it regularly: Whenever you go to Chippewa Falls alumni events, make sure you talk about your experience and how much you enjoyed yourself. If your friends know you’re an active member of the organization and have had positive experiences with it, they’re more likely to be open to joining themselves once you make the ask.
  • Invite them to events: Any time there are alumni events, invite them along. You don’t need to pressure them to officially join the organization, but it is a good opportunity for them to get plugged in to what’s happening in the district and with the alumni community without having to make any sort of commitment. In this way, it allows them to ultimately make the decision to join for themselves.
  • Show them how they can make a difference: Alumni associations aren’t just social and networking opportunities -- they’re also an outlet to make a difference in your alma mater and in the lives of current students. Examples such as scholarships, mentoring, volunteering and other such meaningful connections with the schools and students are great ways to show your friends that they can use a membership in our organization to be a positive influence on the current school community.
  • Make the ask: Don’t feel like you have to dance around the issue. You can just be straight up and ask your friends to join the organization. The best way to get people to take an action is to ask them to do so!

We’re looking forward to welcoming many more new members to Mighty Cardinals Nation this year, and we hope your friends are among them!


State Superintendent Dr. Jill Underly visited Chippewa Falls Senior High School in February to learn about our Career and Technical Education programming for students. Chippewa Falls Fire Department Firefighter/EMT Brook Sommerfeld and Lt. Justus Buss also recently visited the Middle School to talk about their careers as part of the district's "What Do I Want To Be?" Career Series. An area soil conservationist and a quality engineer also recently presented about their careers. #MightyCardinals

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