How You Can Give Thanks to Your Alma Mater

Thanksgiving is coming up in a hurry, and with it comes a reminder to think of all the things in our lives for which we are grateful. 

For members of Mighty Cardinals Nation, that may include the time you spent in Chippewa Falls schools!

Many people are shaped by their time in high school, so even those who graduated decades ago likely can still think of formative experiences from their teenage years in school or in extracurricular activities. 

If you want to take some concrete steps to give thanks to your alma mater this year, here are a few ways you can do so.

  • Reach out to a teacher: If you are still able to get in touch with any teachers you had in high school who influenced you, consider reaching out to them to let them know the impact they had on your life. Teachers are truly the people who make schools special, and they do not get nearly enough appreciation for everything they do. Practice giving thanks by showing them your gratitude.
  • Donate: There are plenty of opportunities for you to give back to your alma mater through donations. These could include donations to our alumni association, donations to specific school initiatives or organizations, or donations to in-class fundraisers. Whatever method you choose, this is a way to make a tangible impact and communicate how thankful you are for your alma mater.
  • Volunteer: Giving your time and energy through volunteering may be the ultimate way of showing your thankfulness to your alma mater. There are all kinds of ways to get involved as a volunteer, so find something you’re passionate about or experienced with and use the skills and gifts you have to help the school and its students.

  • Be present: If you’re still in the area, come to school events like sporting events, concerts, plays and more. Having a physical presence and supporting everything happening at the school is a great way to showcase your gratitude.

We’re thankful for all of our members and supporters, and we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Alumni and supporters - have you seen this highlight reel from Chi-Hi football? It is an amazing video produced by Orange Impression marketing.
Watch it HERE!

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