Tips for Staying Safe from COVID-19 as Stay-at-Home Orders Get Relaxed


Members of Chi-Hi's Apollo Club (seniors John Dienger, Hayden Goodman and Jordan Mewhorter) spent a recent afternoon cutting vegetables, frying meat and assembling to-go orders with other volunteers at Agnes' Table. More than 100 meals were prepared for people in the area. #MightyCardinals


States are slowly beginning to lift or relax stay-at-home orders, although many will still have some stringent restrictions in place for business operations and public gatherings. 

For those of you who live in areas where these orders have been relaxed or will be soon, it is important to continue to prioritize your safety when you venture into public and begin interacting more with other people outside of your immediate family.

Below are a few tips that will help you stay safe as we continue to adjust to life during the COVID-19 global pandemic.

Continue wearing face masks

The CDC continues to advise all people wear cloth face covers when they go out in public. These face coverings are meant to protect others if you are unknowingly infected. Even if you are asymptomatic, you could still be a carrier of the virus and spread it to others, so wearing a cloth face covering is important for keeping others safe. 

Never wear masks that are designed for healthcare workers, as there is still a significant shortage. Do not put face coverings on children under two years old or people who have trouble breathing. Try to maintain at least six feet of space between you and anyone else you encounter.

Continue following social distancing guidelines

Although stay-at-home orders are being relaxed, life will not suddenly go back to normal. States will still have social distancing guidelines in place limiting gathering sizes and non-essential operations. 

You should still make it a point to stay home as much as possible and avoid any non-essential travel or social visits. Avoid social gatherings of more than 10 people until the CDC adjusts its guidelines, and continue using pickup or delivery options for restaurants. Whenever possible, try not to visit nursing homes or long-term care facilities so you do not accidentally infect the residents or staff.

Prioritize your emotional wellbeing

It is important to consider your mental and emotional health during the pandemic, as well as your physical health. Social distancing measures will be in place for some time and it is important to find ways to connect with other people to avoid complete isolation.

You can connect with loved ones and friends virtually through video calls, phone calls and social media. For religious services, most churches offer livestreams and other at-home methods of worship you can seek out for comfort.

It is also important to get outside and get some fresh air. Go on walks or bike rides and walk your pets, so long as you stay six feet away from other people you encounter. Getting outside and exercising is not just good for your physical health—it can also improve your mental and emotional state.

This has been an unusual and stressful past few months, but by continuing to follow CDC recommendations such as those described above, we will be able to keep ourselves and others safe and healthy as the restrictions slowly begin to ease.

Stay safe, Mighty Cardinals Nation!

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