Tips for Supporting the Arts at Your Alma Mater

Over the last decade or so there has been an increased push to enhance investment in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) educational initiatives. This is extremely important, as many of the most rapidly growing careers are found in these categories.

Of course, one cannot forget the importance of the arts and humanities in a well-rounded education. For many people, their involvement in music and the arts produced some of their fondest memories of their high school experience, both in school and as extracurriculars. 

If you want to ensure future generations of students are able to enjoy the same caliber of arts opportunities as you had, the opportunities that helped shape you, you are in a unique position as an alma mater to be an advocate for arts education. Here are just a few ways you can support the arts in Chippewa Falls schools!

  • Attend events: If you’re in the area, this is one of the simplest things you can do to help keep arts programs successful. Even if you don’t have children involved, you can attend events like art shows, music concerts and theatrical performances. Your presence means a lot to the students and faculty involved and helps give a boost to the programs.
  • Volunteer: If you want to take the next step, consider volunteering your time. Get involved in parent or community groups or booster clubs. Offer to volunteer to sell tickets or concessions at events or serve as an usher. Ask where you can be useful and volunteer when you are available to do so.
  • Contribute your talents: If you have a particular talent that might be of use to the department, consider offering your services! You might give musical lessons or conduct some sort of art workshop. Your skill and experience can be valuable in instructing current students and showing them that they can continue to be involved in the arts into their adulthood.
  • Be an advocate: Spread the word about arts programs and events and encourage others in the community to attend. Speak up at school board meetings when arts-related issues arise, and defend the programs from cuts or harmful changes. Talk to administration and school leaders about the importance of the arts.

  • Encourage your children: Whether your children attend Chippewa Falls schools or not, you should encourage them to pursue the arts and follow their passions throughout their school experience. 

The arts have a major impact on the lives of students. Take advantage of your position as an alumnus and be a strong advocate for these programs whenever possible!

Enjoy Chi-Hi student artwork at the Pablo Center at the Confluence through April 24, 2022!

Congratulations to Brett Jochum, Faith Wren, Heather Ryan, Clara Peterson, Sarah Zwickel, Bradley Dorwin, Miljun Russel Cadullo, Natalie Powell, Sydney Zimmerman, and Shelby Peloquin for having their artwork selected and on display! #MightyCardinals

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